Nestled in the forehead, between the eyebrows, the third eye chakra, also known as Ajna in Sanskrit, radiates energy that governs our ability to perceive the deeper truths, access inner wisdom, and connect with our higher consciousness.
Unblocking and balancing this energetic centre can be a profound step toward achieving a harmonious and enlightened life.
The third eye chakra is associated with the color indigo and is linked to the light element. It is the energetic powerhouse that fuels our intuition, imagination, and inner vision.
When in balance, this chakra allows us to see beyond the physical realm and tap into our intuitive abilities with clarity and wisdom. However, various factors can contribute to an imbalance or blockage of the third eye chakra, hindering its optimal functioning.
Symptoms of a Blocked or Unbalanced Third Eye Chakra:
- Lack of Intuition: Difficulty in accessing intuition, relying solely on logic, and a diminished sense of inner knowing may indicate an imbalance in the third eye chakra.
- Confusion and Indecision: Trouble making decisions and a constant state of confusion.
- Headaches: The third eye chakra is closely linked to the head and brain; therefore, imbalances can manifest as headaches or migraines.
- Lack of Imagination: A feeling of being creatively stuck or unable to visualize future possibilities.
- Disconnected from Spirituality: Difficulty in connecting with spiritual practices or experiences.
- Physical Symptoms could include vision problems, sinus issues, and insomnia.
What Causes an Unbalanced Third Eye Chakra?
The third eye chakra may become imbalanced for many reasons including, but not exclusively:
- Negative Experiences: Past experiences, especially those involving deception, betrayal, or disillusionment, can create blockages in the third eye chakra.
- Fear and Anxiety: Constant worry and fear about the unknown can disrupt the flow of energy in the third eye chakra, leading to imbalances.
- Unhealthy Lifestyle: Poor diet, lack of exercise, and inadequate self-care can negatively impact the third eye chakra.
- Suppressed Emotions: Avoiding or suppressing emotions, such as fear or doubt, can contribute to the blockage of the third eye chakra.
Using Gemstones to Heal the Third Eye Chakra:
When looking for gemstones which work with the third eye chakra, you are generally looking for ones which are purple or indigo in color. For example:
- Amethyst: Helping to open up this chakra and allowing greater access to one’s intuitive abilities, amethyst helps to increase clarity and spiritual awareness.
- Lapis Lazuli: A vibrant crystal known for its powerful spiritual properties. Boosting insight, enhancing clarity, and promoting inner wisdom, lapis lazuli helps release negative emotions and supports intuitive growth.
- Labradorite: Promoting psychic abilities, emotional balance, and wisdom, labradorite also acts as a protective shield, channeling visions of truth and promoting spiritual growth.
Others include:
Apophyllite, Azurite, Fluorite, Charoite, Lepidolite...
How to Use the Gemstones:
Meditate on them: You can place the stone on your third eye chakra. This will help in focusing the energy of the crystal and offer an improved healing experience. Or you can even simply hold the stone while you are meditating.
Place crystals in your pocket or purse; or under your pillow while you sleep.
If you wish to keep the energies of your third eye chakra stones in your auric field all the time, wear them as a piece of jewelry. For pieces that would work with the third eye chakra click/shop HERE.
Use of Essential Oils:
There are a number of ways to use essential oils for chakra healing:
- Diffuse in the air by use of an essential oil diffuser, or burn a candle which has been infused with grounding essential oils.
- Apply to the body: Essential oils can be applied neat to the soles of the feet, or dilute in an appropriate carrier oil and apply to the body. A good blend to help stimulate your third eye chakra is 12 drops lemon, 8 drops sandalwood and 2 drops jasmine in 10ml of carrier oil.
- For an instant "hit" simply inhale directly from the bottle.
- Put a few drops of your chosen oil on your pillow at night.
Oils that work well with the third eye chakra include:
Frankincense, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Lemon, Rose, Neroli, Patchouli...
Other Ways to Open and Heal Your Third Eye Chakra:
Meditate/visualization: Try this simple meditation:
Sit in a comfortable position with a straight spine. Relax your muscles, then close your eyes and take a deep breath. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
Bring your attention to your Third Eye Chakra. This chakra is located in the centre of your forehead, between your eyebrows.
Visualize a warm, indigo light emanating from your Third Eye Chakra. Imagine the light growing brighter and brighter until it fills your entire body.
Take a few deep breaths and feel the warmth of the light spreading through your body.
Hold this visualization for as long as you like. When you’re finished, take a few deep breaths and slowly open your eyes.
You can also visualize the opening of your third eye. You can imagine it as a blooming flower, a spinning wheel, or any other symbol that resonates with you. See it gradually expanding and radiating energy.
Affirmations: Repeating positive affirmations can help balance the Third Eye Chakra. Examples include: "I trust my intuition," "I am connected to my inner wisdom," "I see clearly and act with insight," "My mind is open to new visions..."
The third eye chakra is highly influenced by the element of light. Engaging in activities that involve visualizing light, such as guided meditations or visual art, can activate the light element within you. Spend time in natural light and observe the subtle energies around you.
Physical Activity, in particular yoga which works on balancing all the chakras. Engage in yoga poses that specifically target the third eye chakra, such as child's pose or forward fold. Regular exercise helps to release pent-up energy and encourages a healthy flow of chi through the chakras.
Journaling: Writing about your dreams, insights, and intuitive experiences can help to release pent-up feelings and enhance your intuitive abilities.
Embarking on a journey to heal and balance the third eye chakra is a powerful step towards reclaiming your intuitive abilities and spiritual insight. By incorporating gemstones, essential oils, and various energy healing methods into your daily routine, you can nurture this vital energy centre and unlock a renewed sense of clarity, wisdom, and spiritual connection.
A good way of assessing the state of your chakras is by dowsing. Download your FREE dowsing template and guide HERE